Journal of Research in Biomedical Sciences
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<p>Patients and Ayurvedic medical officers (AMO) are important for the Ayurvedic institution. Because both of these parties equally contribute for the success or the survival of Ayurvedic sector and institutions in the global health care services. Researchers have found that there is an impact of job satisfaction of the AMO on quality services of Ayurvedic institutions, which ultimately lead to patient satisfaction. This is a survey and the main research problem is, how the job satisfaction affects to the quality of service. Objectives of the study are to identify the relationship between job satisfaction and quality of services of AMOs. All the Government AMOs and the daily average patients in all Ayurvedic institution in Jaffna district. Among daily average patients in each institution, 10 patients for each AMOs were selected to identify the relationship, researcher gathered data from AMOs and patients with various aspects through questionnaires. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) version was used for the data analysis. As well as correction technique to determine the relationship between the main variables such as dependent variable - quality service, and independent variables such as pay, work itself, promotion, supervision, work group and working condition. According to this analysis, pay, work itself, promotion were positively affected while supervision, work group and working condition were negatively affected job satisfaction and quality service of AMOs. The study concludes that, Jaffna district Ayurvedic institutions are providing poor facilities for AMOs. It is recommended that the hospital directors need to ensure jo satisfaction of the AMOs in order to provide better quality services to the patients.</p>Sarvananthan T
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